CIL(Common Intermediate Language)
Verifying your own .NET IL-Code
linux - .net-core: Equivalent of ILDASM / ILASM - Stack Overflow
What is Just-In-Time(JIT) Compiler in .NET - GeeksforGeeks
GitHub - Konard/ILProj: The example class library project, with code written in the CIL.
What is CIl/IL
For C# or Java, the program is not directly compiled to machine code, but intermediate language code. For C#, the intermediate
code is called Common Intermediate Language(CIL, or IL). So whether the *.dll
or *.exe
compiled from C#, is composed of IL code and its corresponding meta data. At runtime, the JIT(Just-In-Compiler) compile the IL code to the native machine code.
What is JIT
./ilasm ~/Documents/peggy-foam-wiki/docs/IL/test/ -dll
./ildasm ~/Documents/peggy-foam-wiki/docs/IL/test/test.dll -t
dotnet myapp.dll