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Wiki Assembly

Why Assembly language is important to to learn?

  1. The most low-level language that is closely tied to the hardware such as CPU.
    • Assembly code implements a symbolic (human-readable) representation of the binary machine code.
    • Assembly language is written to follow the CPU execution logic directly.
  2. Assembly language facilities a deeper understanding how CPU actually do its job.

Why Assembly language is critical elementary foundation to other higher-level language, E.g. C?

Assembly code is the important medium for compiling C code to machine code. When C program being compiled to an binary object file, the GCC compiler will do following:

  1. C code will be compiled into Assembly code
  2. Assembly code will be translated into machine code

Is Assembly language cross-platform?

No, Assembly language is specific in the specific platform. E.g. X86 CPU-architecture has its own Assembly instruction sets as well as the arm CPU.

Assembly is CPU-dependent as machine code is CPU-dependent, while C language is CPU-independent for cross-platform.

Is the first version of GCC written in Assembly?

No, C started with the BCPL language,


  • GNU assembler (GAS)
    • x86-64 GNU assembler
      • AT&T syntax
    • aarch64 GNU assembler
      • aarch64/arm64 syntax
  • Clang Assembler
  • Netwide assembler (NASM)
    • Intel syntax
    • x86-64
      • macOS
      • linux
      • windows
  • MASM
    • Intel syntax

A example NASM assembly file print.asm to print message

; print.asm
; nasm -f elf64 print.asm && ld print.o && ./a.out ; echo $?
; objdump -d a.out
section .data
message db, "Welcome, to, Segmentation, Faults!, "

section .text

global _start

mov rax, 4 ; System call number for sys_write
mov rbx, 1 ; File descriptor 1 is stdout
mov rcx, message ; Pointer to the message string
mov rdx, 32 ; Length of the message
int 0x80 ; Call kernel

ret ; Return from the function

mov rax, 1 ; System call number for sys_exit
mov rbx, 0 ; Exit code 0
int 0x80 ; Call kernel

call _printMessage ; Call the print message function
mov rax, 1 ; System call number for sys_exit
mov rbx, 1 ; Exit code 0
int 0x80 ; Call kernel
; sum.asm
; nasm -f elf64 sum.asm && ld sum.o && ./a.out ; echo $?
; objdump -d a.out
section .text
global _start

; Function to calculate the sum of two integers
mov rax, rdi ; Move the first argument (a) to rax
add rax, rsi ; Add the second argument (b) to rax
ret ; Return with the result in rax

; Example usage of the sum function
mov rdi, 5 ; First argument: a = 5
mov rsi, 7 ; Second argument: b = 7

call sum ; Call the sum function

; The result is now in rax
; It can be used or printed, depending on the context
mov rdi, rax ; Exit code 0

; Exit the program
mov rax, 60 ; System call number for sys_exit
syscall ; Make the system call

Memory Layout

The structure of an assembly file generally consists of serval section:

  • .text section:
    • .text section is generally read-only. It is typically used for storing executable code, and it is not intended to be modified during program execution.
    • .text section contains the machine code instructions that the processor will execute.
    • .text section contains global constant data.
  • .data section:
    • .data section is writable. It is used for storing initialized data that can be modified during the execution of the program.
    • .data section contains global variable data.
  • .bss section:
    • It's mostly the same with .data section except it's used for storing uninitialized data
  • .rodata section:
    • It is used for read-only data, such as constant strings.

Here's a simple example illustrating the use of these sections:

.section .text
.global _start

// Code goes here

.section .data
.word 42 // Initialized data

.section .bss
.skip 4 // Uninitialized data, occupies 4 bytes

.section .rodata
.asciz "Hello, World!" // Read-only data

A compiled program's memory layout consists of these segments. A running program's memory layout consists of these segments, and also heap and stack memory.

Memory Layout of a Running Program

A running program typically consists of serval segments or sections, each serving a specific purpose but common sections include:

  • Stack:
    • Stores local variables and function call information.
    • Memory is automatically allocated and de-allocated as functions are called and return.
    • Register(sp in arm64, stack pointer) is used to manage and point to the stack memory.
    • Size is limited(may lead to stack overflow).
      • set via ulimit -s in linux.
  • Heap:
    • Dynamic memory managed by programmer at runtime.
    • Memory is allocated and deallocated explicitly using functions like malloc/free in C, and new/delete in C++, brk system call in assembly etc.
    • Store dynamic data that can be shared across functions. Data lifecycle is not bound to functions.
    • Size is much larger than the stack,
  • Data(.data, .bss):
    • Stores global variables/constants, separated into initialized and uninitialized
  • Text(.text):
    • Stores the code being executed

CS 225 | Stack and Heap Memory




Assembly instructions are human readable representation of the machine code as CPU can only understand the machine code.

Instruction: Opcode + Oprand


Intel x86 Assembler Instruction Set Opcode Table


Data area

Register Operand

Register Operand

mov   rdi, rsi

Immediate Operand

Immediate Operand

mov   rdi, 0x21
mov rdi, 5
mov edi, 0x21314151

In aarch64, the immediate value is subject to:

  • Arithmetic instructions (add{s}, sub{s}, cmp, cmn) take a 12-bit unsigned immediate with an optional 12-bit left shift.
  • Move instructions (movz, movn, movk) take a 16-bit immediate optionally shifted to any 16-bit-aligned position within the register.
  • Address calculations (adr, adrp) take a 21-bit signed immediate, although there's no actual syntax to specify it directly - to do so you'd have to resort to assembler expression trickery to generate an appropriate "label".
  • Logical instructions (and{s}, orr, eor, tst) take a "bitmask immediate".

Memory Operand

mov   rdi, [sdi]

Instruction Encoding

Assembler will encode the human-readable instruction into machine code.

  • In aarch64, the encoding instruction is fixed-size(4 bytes) machine code.
  • In x86_64, the encoding instruction is non-fixed-size(up to 16 bytes) machine code.

Encoding Real x86 Instructions

Let's have a glimpse on the impact of the fixed/non-fixed encoding.

In order to load 32-bit integer, x86_64 need only one instruction while more instructions are needed for aarch64 to do that.

Load a 32-bit integer 0x1a2b3c4d in x86_64,

mov     rid, 0x1a2b3c4d

Load a 32-bit integer 32-bit 0x1a2b3c4d in aarch64(the immediate value in mov must be in the range of 16-bit, so it needs two instructions),

movz    x1, 0x3c4d
movk x1, 0x1a2b, lsl 16

NASM x86_64 cheat sheet

NASM x86_64 cheat sheet

GAS aarch64 cheat sheet

GAS aarch64 cheat sheet

Assembly's Role in Compiler

In the compiling process, a compiler such as GCC will translate C code into Assembly code for different CPU architectures, then use its corresponding Assembler to translate the Assembly code to the machine code which is CPU dependent.

The Assembly plays intermediate role in the compiler, while higher language like C sits upfront and machine code runs at the bottom.

I have another writing to introduce my understanding of the compiler from the practice more than the theoretical point of view, and how to write a compiler.



Notes on x86-64 Assembly and Machine Code · GitHub



mit x86-64 architecture guide

Assembly 1: Basics – CS 61 2018

CS107 Guide to x86-64

Guide to x86 Assembly

Assembly Language & Computer Architecture Lecture (CS301)

The Hub of Heliopolis - Getting Started with x86-64 Assembly on Linux

Guide to x86 Assembly

Let's Write Some X86-64


Sample 64-bit nasm programs