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Learn ASGI

Nowadays as web server framework is getting easy to use and work with. In Python areas, FastAPI obtains nearly 60k stars and becomes the most popular web framework for Pythoners.

Looking at the advantage of FastAPI, it simplifies everything from parsing http requests, middleware processing, authentication, database manipulation and more.

Let's dive into the behind-the-scenes technique stacks of FastAPI.

Before research, there are some common questions around the web server development:

  • How to process messages on HTTP protocol on TCP protocol? What're the favorite library used to do that?
  • What are the differences between WSGI and ASGI?
  • Data model used for database and users

stacks from low-level to high-level


  • ASGI web server implementation/interface
    • scope
    • receive
    • send
  • h11 to process HTTP messages
  • websocket to process websocket messages


  • ASGI framework
  • abstract Request class for receive in Uvicorn
  • abstract Response class for send in Uvicorn
  • provide middleware


  • Fast to code
  • OpenAPI docs
  • Pydantic native model



`Application` <-- `APIRouter` <-- `APIRoute`