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Wiki WPF

GitHub - SingletonSean/wpf-tutorials: Tutorial source code for WPF concepts.

GitHub - liviaerxin/WPF-MVVM-EFC-Example: 📲 MVVM (WPF) application built with EFCore, Abstract Factory pattern and dependency injection (Microsoft Unity)


MVVM Pattern Made Simple - CodeProject

MVVM in Depth - CodeProject

My attempt to understand MVVM pattern and questions raised during it : csharp

Patterns - WPF Apps With The Model-View-ViewModel Design Pattern | Microsoft Docs

Introduction to the MVVM Toolkit - Windows Community Toolkit | Microsoft Docs


  • IoC, Inversion of Control
  • DI, Dependency Injection
  • Navigation
  • ViewModel-to-ViewModel Communication
  • Observable Object in ViewModel
    • Wrapping a non-observable model

      public class ObservableUser : ObservableObject
      private readonly User user;mvvm-application.png

      public ObservableUser(User user) => this.user = user;

      public string Name
      get => user.Name;
      set => SetProperty(user.Name, value, user, (u, n) => u.Name = n);


MVVM Application

  • View-to-ViewModel one-to-one/many-to-one mapping
  • ViewModel-to-ViewModel communication
  • ViewModel-to-Model one-to-one/one-to-many binding

Access Database​

DAO or Repository

Entity DB Context


To property - pasoft-share/ReactiveUI

One of the core features of ReactiveUI is to be able to convert properties to Observables, via WhenAny , and to convert Observables into Properties, via a method called ToProperty . These properties are called Output Properties in ReactiveUI, and they are a huge part of using the framework effectively.